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Friday, February 14, 2014

Secrets to Influence People

Dear Readers,
Hope everyone is doing good!!
Here I am posting an interesting article, which I have gone through in an International Magazine today.
Ever wish you were better at getting people  to do what you want? You can be. All it takes is practice and desire.
1. Spend lots of time listening.
Even if you already know what people are going to say, and even if there's no way you can do what they want, start by listening. Being listened to is one of the things they want--that's true of just about everyone. That was one mistake I made on my first project: I had listened to people who wanted to volunteer, but not to those who had volunteer jobs to offer. I assumed they'd be happy to have new volunteers, but I was wrong.
2. Ask lots of questions.
Not only because everyone wants to be listened to. Careful questioning will help you determine what people really want, which is often different from what they say they want. It will also tell you what they have to offer.
3. Make a human-to-human connection.
Look for ways to connect that have nothing to do with the work at hand. Maybe they have children the same age as yours, or they live somewhere you've vacationed, or you share the same hobby. Even if none of that's true, you can still make a bit of a connection on the basis of universal experiences. For instance, right now a large portion of the United States is suffering through extreme winter weather.
4. Let your own guard down.
It's always tough to know just how much of your personal life it's OK to share in a business context. Many people err on the side of caution by sharing little or nothing about themselves. Instead, decide what you feel comfortable having other people know, and then give them a few details. You'll make other people feel safer and engage their human side. 
5. Never miss a chance to say thank you.
Think hard about who's helped you or put him- or herself out, and make sure to thank him or her. That makes it much likelier he or she will put him- or herself out again for you next time.
6. Never miss a chance to give praise.
Most of us never get enough praise for the things we work hard to do. So if you want to influence someone, make sure to call out what he or she has done well and how he or she has contributed to your organization or your well-being. Do it in public if you can.
7. Never miss a chance to apologize.
If you hate apologizing, get over it. An apology is one of the most powerful tools you have for winning people to your side. If a decision you made caused someone inconvenience or upset, an apology lets him or her know that you care. That's true even if you don't regret the decision itself but only the harm it caused him or her.
(One word of caution: Don't ever apologize, praise, or thank unless it's sincerely how you feel. People can tell when you're faking, and it will backfire.)
8. Strive to give people what they want.
Obviously, this isn't always an option. But if you can figure out what people really want or need and make sure they get it, they'll be that much more likely to give you what you need from them.
9. Let people save face.
Sometimes you know that someone would be disastrously bad at a job he or she wants. Should you say so? Unless you're giving him or her feedback with a view to his or her being qualified later on, don't. You're better off giving that person a more palatable out. For instance, you've already promised the job to someone else.
10. Pick up the phone.
Do you find yourself getting and making a lot fewer phone calls than you used to? With email, text, and social media, I do. But there are times when a phone call or face-to-face communication makes a big difference. One of those is if you have disappointing news to deliver. Another is if you are asking someone to take on a bigger role or added responsibility.
On the phone, you can answer any questions he or she has or listen to any venting he or she may need to do in real time. You've stepped away from your other duties to spend time with him or her. That lets him or her know you really care about whatever you're calling for. It's a powerful way to make him or her care, too.



                                             Thanks for reading!

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